Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The PUBLIC Restroom Rant

Public Bathroom, Restroom, the Loo, Toilet, Washroom … Whatever you want to call it, they are disgusting! Now if you are anything like me, you will do everything and anything in your power to NOT use the public restroom! You will hold it, you will sway back and forth, you will tap your feet vigorously, you will chant/humm/pray, you will even go as far as to dehydrate yourself … whatever you can do to NOT have to go. BUT, there are those days when you just HAVE to go, and deal with nasty bullspit. How hard is it to clean up after yourself? There have been countless times where I have walked into a restroom and walked right back out because it is unbearable, and the smells … oh man .. the Smells of a PUBLIC restroom! I lose my faith in humanity when I see nastiness in public bathrooms, how did yo mamma raise you? No one should clean up your mess but YOU!

button.jpgI am ALWAYS shocked when I walk into a stall and the person before me fails to FLUSH … How hard is it to push down the little lever, or push the button (“Push the goddamn button!”) If you think it is hard PLEASE enlighten the less fortunate (me) in the comment section. I for one, do NOT want to see what is coming out of you …  if it’s yellow, brown, or worse of all, ladies, RED, get rid of it, put it away, I don’t wanna see it! Something's really wrong with you if you cannot do such a simple task. SO FLUSH, trust me it’s not that hard … in fact I guarantee that it is easier than using a smartphone!

Next, how hard is it to pee INSIDE the toilet bowl? I cannot stand when there is piss everywhere but not IN the bowl … How is that even humanly possible? Your target pratice mode should be turned ON, and AIM for the BOWL… not the wall… not the seat… not the floor..not the ceiling… THE BOWL! Leave it clean for the next person. Just think of it this way, if you walk into the stall after yourself, would you want to use that stall? Exactly, leave the stall so that YOU would actually not mind using it. … what a concept! :O

And we all know that going to the women's restroom is an EVENT! Fellows, let me enlighten you. This is way more than just a place where you go to relieve yourself. It’s a place to go with your friends to gossip, fix your hair, fix your makeup, fix your clothes, take some bathroom selfies. So then when people like ME gotta pee we have to fight our way to a stall because everybody and they momma is up in there trying … trying hard … to “fix” something… oh yea … it still Smells by the way.

... you get my point?

So, Please clean your *ish up!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Words Don’t Hurt, The People Who Say Them Do

Words have power, only if you allow them to. Not everyone realizes how much their words can affect others. You do not know what someone else has been through in their lifetime, so you do not know exactly how your words will affect them. I believe that actions speak much louder than words If someone just says something to me, I do not waste my time worrying about it until I see some action, but that is just me. For example, flowers versus saying, “I missed you today,” think about the difference in the two scenarios, how would YOU feel? Read more in my post, “Words Whisper, Actions Shout.” There are those incidences when all it takes are a few words to ruin my entire day. Those words feed on my insecurities and when another person points them out it feels like someone punched me in the gut. However I soon realize that at the end of the day I am the only person that I need to worry about, I am the only person that needs to be concerned with my own happiness and not allow the negative words from others affect me in such an extreme. Think about it, do the words alone have power? Or do you give the person saying them the power? Who are the people in your life that have that power over you? Why do they have that power?

Words will have an affect on you in one way or another, depending on who they are coming from. Whether that be someone close to you or a person you rarely, if at all, speak to. I can think of many times when the words of a person close to me have been hurtful, but I have come to learn that I should not let those few words undo my whole day. I know that they have my best interest in mind and they are only saying it to help me out. However, when a person I do not really know says something nasty to me I just chalk it up to them being buttmunches (yes that is a technical term), so I let it roll off my shoulder, like water on a duck’s back.

There are also the words that come in the form of holy scriptures. Those words are relevant because we place value on them and we place value because someone at some point said that we should. I am not saying that holy scriptures are unimportant, they are very important because they help us develop our morals and tells us what is right from wrong. When it comes down to your actions and what morals you have developed as a result of those words you choose what actions to take.

So what are words really? Words are only made up of the meaning WE give them, we define them, therefore we allow them to affect us. It’s like that quote, “Don’t let people’s compliments get to your head, and don't let their criticism get to your heart.” Never let someone else’s words affect how you live your life, or how you want to live it. Be humble when someone pays you a compliment, that just means you are doing something right, and when someone criticizes you learn from it but do not fixate on it for too long. One should strive to only spread positivity, so use only kind words.

~Be kind

Friday, July 18, 2014

If You Aren’t Part of the Solution, You’re Part of the Problem

We live in a world where arguments arise over who is right and who is wrong. Some people stand up for what they believe in, while some turn a blind eye depending on the topic. It’s probably no surprise that whenever there is a massive issue or problem to be solved nothing seems to get done. I have witnessed when people constantly fail to be part of the solution by not acting or participating to find answers. This passivity leads to the prolonging of the issue itself. In this particular post I want to talk about the lack of participation in general as being part of the issue.

Take voting in the US for example. When elections come around it is crucial to participate. Despite people losing hope by saying that their vote does not matter, the fact still remains that their vote in deed does count. There are always groups of people with similar missions to better the world around them who are actively seeking solutions, and then there are people who are making it difficult to progress. To those who say that “one vote will not make a difference,” just think, if the rest of us say the same thing, how will this affect everyone? What progress will be made? NONE!!! And at the end of the day the conclusion affects everyone.

Your voice and participation is important, don’t let others trick you into thinking it’s not. Never give up your chance to speak up about anything in life because it’s best to contribute positively than to sit back and watch everything unfold without your say. If you say nothing you are not helping anyone, not even yourself! Do not just sit there and let life happen to you, take control of your life! You determine your outcome! So get up off your lazy arse!  

So, as my good friend David Berry would say, “If you’re not part of the solution, get your useless ass out the way!”

A.K.A Edith
A.K.A Former Mosquito

Monday, July 14, 2014

Stand on Your Own Two Feet!

Independence, self sufficient, doing things on your own. To me Independence is when you do not need to rely on anyone or anything else to make you happy. In order to have a meaningful relationship you need to move past the issues you have with yourself. You have to be in a healthy relationship with yourself before you can expect to be in a happy relationship with someone else. If you are focusing too much of your attention on someone else, and not working on your inner peace then you will go crazy. The only person you have control over in this world is you, so take control and be independent. You have the power to determine your own outcome. When you enter any relationship, romantic or otherwise, and you are not happy with yourself, you will become dependent, you will look to the other person for validation. Let’s face it, we came into this world alone, and we will leave alone, choosing to be in a relationship is great because you determine who you will spend time with, but relationships are like ships passing in the night, they will fade with distance. So we need to be more than “ok” with being alone.

I am not saying that all relationships are bad, when you enter a relationship at the wrong time and for the wrong reasons, it will have a negative results. Don’t let anyone have the power of controlling your happiness. We did a post a while back about Best Interests it is about how everyone is for themselves, we ultimately care about our own well being. So if you are dependent, you will be the one to get hurt in the end, because the person you are dependent on is not always going to be there for you. So, who IS there for you? Guess what? You will ALWAYS be there for you! You cannot run and hide from yourself.

When it comes to romantic relationships, some level of dependency is required so that you can build trust with one another. But what happens when the other person is no longer there for you to fall back on? If something happens to your significant other, universe forbid, how will you take care of yourself? You should be able to say that you will be ok, but for those who are dependent, can you really say the same? When in a relationship, you should never forget who you are. Just because you are with someone you do not lose your individuality. You will never discover who you really are if your main identity is that you are someone else’s significant other. You are not property to be owned, you are a unique individual, and that is to be celebrated.

You do not want to lose yourself in the blur of the people around you, stand apart and define your own lines, stand out among the blur. Once you have established your individuality, no one and nothing will get in the way of your happiness.

~Be independent. Be yourself.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Hate, What’s the Point?

Much like Hareena's ideals about jealousy as a wasted emotion I also think hate is a useless emotion. Since when does hate ever solve your problems? How many times can you count where hate has done anything good for you or others. Hate is like poison, it rots you inside and eventually will spew out and poison those on the receiving end.

When hate is inflicted upon others it creates negative feelings onto those around you. Hate isn't the answer, trying to end a dispute by means of more hate is like fueling the fire with more fire. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three lefts do ;) Like Maya Angelou said, “Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet.” It is wasted energy, and putting it back into the universe is something that is not beneficial.

Our actions have consequences, and we need to realize that what we say and do, will affect others. Everyone will react differently; some may not say anything, whereas others may echo the hate or cry. How does making someone cry make you feel? How do you feel when others make you cry? What if they were someone you care about? I doubt you’d like it. Unfortunately it happens because hate cannot exist without love but it’s better to spread love because this is good, this is positive.   

Spread love not hate. Love will lead to compassion and therefore understanding, where as hate will wither you. Think about what you are doing to yourself mentally and emotionally by hating others, use that energy for something positive and something good. A person can only take so much hate before they break, because let’s face it words do hurt and no one has ever hurt from too much love.

Let the hate be water rolling off of a duck’s back. Karma will do the work and balance the kuniverse. All those who spread hate will inevitably drink their own poison, Hareena’s post on Karma goes further into that. So, if you love more, greater things will happen. Do it right now, send a loving message to someone you  care about and see what a positive difference that will make for you and the other person.

Much Love
-Edith :)

Monday, July 7, 2014

"No," "No," "No."

If they slam the front door in your face, then go in through the back. If the back is locked, find a window and a rock!

It is always hard to hear the words “no”, or “thanks, but no thanks,” and whatever other rejection phrases you have heard. We have all heard the words at some point or another, but we cannot dwell on any one rejection for too long.

When I was applying to universities in high school I had no clue where I wanted to go, I was just going to go with the flow. Then I started getting into every single university I applied to, it felt good, but then there was the last school that I did not hear from yet. This school was looking better and better by the minute, I really, really wanted to go there. I knew that I had the potential to get in, after all I got into all of the other universities. Despite getting into all of the universities, I was still devastated when the last letter was a … you guessed it … rejection :O. This was the first time in my entire life where I was rejected for something I wanted with every fiber of my being.  I was not willing to accept defeat so I appealed but yet another rejection letter rolled in. So what was I to do? I could go to any of the other 8 universities I got into. NO! I was still not ready for this defeat. I went to a junior college, where I spent 2 years working hard, and making new friends, and stepping out of my comfort zone … often! Going to a JC was the best decision I ever made, I owe a lot of who I have become to those 2 years. Theses 2 years were a blessing to me, I am glad that I did not get into that university the first time around, because I would have missed out on all of the wonderful people I met, and the life changing experiences I had. At the end of my 2 years, I GOT IN but this time with a scholarship mate!!!!

Rejection does not always work this way, there does come a point where you have to stop and move on. Recently I was hunting for a job. I was turned down for a job, because I do not have any experience… and this was a writing job. The person I met with did not even look at what I had prepared for him to read … hell, he didn’t even take it from my hands. It’s a writing job and he didn’t even look at what I wrote. What was his reason for not giving me a chance? It would have taken him 2 seconds to see what I was capable of. I knew that nothing would come of this situation, so I moved on. However, I will be sure to send a FREE copy of my book to him when I am a successful writer… just because I can.

There are two major take aways I want you to have from this, one is that if you want something enough, and if you work hard toward that goal, you will get it eventually. However, you have to remember that you should have a cut off date, a date when you will stop and move on to something better. You do not want to spend too much time on something when you could be spending that time on something else. The second is that one “no” in one situation is helping you find that “yes” else where. It is the Law of Averages, in most basic words: If you try everything you are bound to find something. You should not dwell on the “no” for too long, one “no” is one step closer to that “yes.”

~Keep your head up.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

I Am American Despite What You See

Independence Day, the 4th of July. I am an American, but there have been too many times where I do not feel that I am such. Is this what the forefathers fought to achieve? This is the “United” States of America, right? If it is so, then why do we still experience racism today? We are too busy looking at one another as being different, that it is impossible to be “united.” I Identify myself as Indian because I have been put into the “other” box too many times. I was born and raised in America, America is all I know yet the way people treat you makes all of the difference.

I cannot count the number of times people (this includes people of  Indian background) have asked me where I was born, or when I came to America, and they are shocked every single time. I was even put in ESL when I was in grade school, but I know It had nothing to do with my ability to read and write, it was because my skin happens to be brown. And that is not even the tip of the iceberg; someone even had the nerve to tell me to go back to India! This incident took place in the year 2012, yes 2012 … I don’t even need to explain how I felt, WE HAVE A COLORED PRESIDENT FOR GOODNESS SAKES! Science shows us we are all the same, when looking at DNA there is no way to tell whether the person is black or green or purple or white or blue or yellow or brown or orange or red or violet or salmon or corral or etc … look at a 64 crayon’s box. Then why are we still wasting time and energy making people feel as though they do not belong. NEWS FLASH: none of us belong!!! Native Americans? .. ringing any bells?

So what are we celebrating independence from? Ourselves? The “other?” They are one in the same. I am not saying don’t celebrate the 4th of july, go out have some fun, BBQ, have a few drinks, watch some fireworks, or light some yourself. The 4th of July 1776 is no small accomplishment, this was the birth of our country, without the events that lead up to this date, we would not be here. All I ask is that you think about this the next time you encounter hate toward another person based on the color of their skin. As Aesop once said, “United we stand, divided we fall.”

~ Red, White, Blue