Monday, July 7, 2014

"No," "No," "No."

If they slam the front door in your face, then go in through the back. If the back is locked, find a window and a rock!

It is always hard to hear the words “no”, or “thanks, but no thanks,” and whatever other rejection phrases you have heard. We have all heard the words at some point or another, but we cannot dwell on any one rejection for too long.

When I was applying to universities in high school I had no clue where I wanted to go, I was just going to go with the flow. Then I started getting into every single university I applied to, it felt good, but then there was the last school that I did not hear from yet. This school was looking better and better by the minute, I really, really wanted to go there. I knew that I had the potential to get in, after all I got into all of the other universities. Despite getting into all of the universities, I was still devastated when the last letter was a … you guessed it … rejection :O. This was the first time in my entire life where I was rejected for something I wanted with every fiber of my being.  I was not willing to accept defeat so I appealed but yet another rejection letter rolled in. So what was I to do? I could go to any of the other 8 universities I got into. NO! I was still not ready for this defeat. I went to a junior college, where I spent 2 years working hard, and making new friends, and stepping out of my comfort zone … often! Going to a JC was the best decision I ever made, I owe a lot of who I have become to those 2 years. Theses 2 years were a blessing to me, I am glad that I did not get into that university the first time around, because I would have missed out on all of the wonderful people I met, and the life changing experiences I had. At the end of my 2 years, I GOT IN but this time with a scholarship mate!!!!

Rejection does not always work this way, there does come a point where you have to stop and move on. Recently I was hunting for a job. I was turned down for a job, because I do not have any experience… and this was a writing job. The person I met with did not even look at what I had prepared for him to read … hell, he didn’t even take it from my hands. It’s a writing job and he didn’t even look at what I wrote. What was his reason for not giving me a chance? It would have taken him 2 seconds to see what I was capable of. I knew that nothing would come of this situation, so I moved on. However, I will be sure to send a FREE copy of my book to him when I am a successful writer… just because I can.

There are two major take aways I want you to have from this, one is that if you want something enough, and if you work hard toward that goal, you will get it eventually. However, you have to remember that you should have a cut off date, a date when you will stop and move on to something better. You do not want to spend too much time on something when you could be spending that time on something else. The second is that one “no” in one situation is helping you find that “yes” else where. It is the Law of Averages, in most basic words: If you try everything you are bound to find something. You should not dwell on the “no” for too long, one “no” is one step closer to that “yes.”

~Keep your head up.

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