We are undercover philosophers. We ALL, even you … yes YOU, have something to say! Yeah we are able to express ourselves in other social media but blogging takes that expression to another level. We have chosen to express ourselves through our blog. In it we share stories from personal experiences which we believe carry some insight, so we want to share them and pass along a bit of wisdom. Do with it what you will. Everyone has the right express themselves in whatever way they choose, as long as they are not bringing harm to others. We are aware that our views are not the opinion of everyone, so we would love to hear what your point of view is on the topics we discuss.
So, join us on our journey to satiate our thirst for knowledge, and understanding reality through the eyes of reason. Follow our blog, and you too could be an undercover philosopher ;)
P.S. The purpose of this blog is to create a safe space for conversation on different topics. In our blog we will write some ridiculous things but that’s just us being silly. Don’t worry, we don’t bite.