Much like Hareena's ideals about jealousy as a wasted emotion I also think hate is a useless emotion. Since when does hate ever solve your problems? How many times can you count where hate has done anything good for you or others. Hate is like poison, it rots you inside and eventually will spew out and poison those on the receiving end.
Our actions have consequences, and we need to realize that what we say and do, will affect others. Everyone will react differently; some may not say anything, whereas others may echo the hate or cry. How does making someone cry make you feel? How do you feel when others make you cry? What if they were someone you care about? I doubt you’d like it. Unfortunately it happens because hate cannot exist without love but it’s better to spread love because this is good, this is positive.
Let the hate be water rolling off of a duck’s back. Karma will do the work and balance the kuniverse. All those who spread hate will inevitably drink their own poison, Hareena’s post on Karma goes further into that. So, if you love more, greater things will happen. Do it right now, send a loving message to someone you care about and see what a positive difference that will make for you and the other person.
Much Love
-Edith :)
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