Monday, February 17, 2014


Do you ever get that feeling where less things seem to move you? A feeling of apathy towards everything around you? I am currently dealing with this issue in my life. This did not just occur to me, I have been feeling this way for while. It’s a bit concerning since I’m finding less enthusiasm for the things that used to bring me joy. When I was younger I remember having more immediate reactions upon having a birthday celebration, or getting gifts but that is not the case anymore. I attribute this partly to aging and the number of things that one has to worry about as an adult. As a child the most simplest of things can bring you joy because the world is new, whereas when you get older it becomes clockwork.

Currently I am trying to make an effort to have a more positive response when I’m supposed to, as opposed to lacking a reaction. I keep replaying a scenario over and over and trying to narrow down the meaningful parts in any given situation, with this I hope to clear the path enough so my feelings can be easily triggered. I think it’s working. I doubt I’m the only one who is going through this, so if you are dealing with this similar issue, I understand you. I know it’s difficult to enjoy every second of your life when there are factors that take a toll on your happiness like anxiety, depression, stress from work, paying bills on time and dealing with the simple stresses of living.

Like everything in life, the key is balance. When you know that you will be facing stressful times, find the things that make you react in positive ways and incorporate them more into your life. For me, the things that have a positive influence are actually the things money can’t buy such as a smile, laughter, family, and friends. As long as those things are in place I’m less likely to keep falling into that state of apathy, at least that’s been working for me. I hope you can find the “positives” in your life that will bring you back to reality.

Peace out, Love you all :)

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